– Weather

Kethar has its fair share of dangerous weather types. One of the most perilous types is an Acid Storm.

Acid storms are severe atmospheric disruptions that bring heavy acid rain. On their own, the acid content is higher but
the winds are relatively light. They do sometimes combine with other storms, in which case the acid content is somewhat deluded but the winds become more violent.

While Tempest Masters are always on the lookout for such storms, people know that generally these storms will occur
from time to time during a three-to-five-year span, then they will cease to visit Meera Dalal for another three-to-five-years. After which time the cycle begins again.

Not all areas have a dedicated Tempest Master, so many people keep handheld mica windows resting on a window sill or hanging from a nail next to the door. Everything you look at through a mica window has a pretty green tint to it.
However, when you view an acid storm through the mica window, the storm is animated with swirling waves of bright
green and some of the softer, green lightning shows prominently. Some storms will have much stronger lightning. When this happens, you’ll know it’s an acid storm even without the mica window, as the bright, neon green flashes are unique to this kind of storm.

These storms are destructive to most animals, including human beings. There are some creatures that have developed
natural defenses against the falling acid. These defenses tend to come from the oils in their skin but even then, these
animals will find cover if they can and will close their eyes for added protection until the storm passes if they cannot. One example is the reindar which, because of its giant size, will simply stand still with its eyes closed until the storm has passed. Some say that reindar simply drift off to sleep, lulled by the soft rolling thunder and green lightning flashing through their eyelids.

As dangerous as the acid drops are to animals, most plants have a natural coating that protects them and sheds the large acid drops. Some plants are susceptible to acid storms, however these plants have evolved to grow under the thick cover of other larger plants. At risk food crops, like those from Earth, are protected by various methods, for example using greenhouses.

Once the acid has fallen to Kethar, its chemical makeup is no match for water and oxides in the soil; the acid deposition
breaks down rather quickly and is of little harm within a few hours. Some folks even believe that it is helpful to crops,
including both food and agdal.

There are interesting side effects to the human psyche when these frightening storms take place; people have done many things to regain a sense of control and rest power away from the storms after they move away. In some parts of Meera Dalal, the day after a storm, residents will use great amounts of water and elbow grease to wash homes and other buildings in lieu of performing their normal duties. At the end of the day, to celebrate cleansing their home of the acid rain, a large feast is prepared for the entire town. Drinking, singing, and dancing finish the night and, often
times, make for a rather painful and tiresome following work day.

While the festivals help people to feel like they have control and ownership over their world, some
have found ways to harness the strength of these storms in ways that continue long after the storm
has passed. Using the storms’ acid in some specialized industrial processes has proven to be a great
benefit for some. For example, it is rumored that master craftsmen can utilize the acid to improve
the attributes of metal armor. While this is likely only a rumor, it is an intriguing thought.

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