The Plain

This is our project page for The Plain

Posts on The Plain

An Adventurer stands on lookout outside of camp on The Plain.

We’ve been in the thick of it so we haven’t done ANY streaming for a few months now. With that in mind, we should have some new streams and videos out soon. Work is progressing on the internal design for the novella, Murder In The Shallow Valley. We’re getting pretty close to publish-ready and things…

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I hope you’ll join us on Twitch to learn more about this new story and tabletop gaming world. We’ll begin Monday evening, May 29th 2023 between 8 and 8:30 pm US Central time.

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Five of six moons over The Plain.

… everyone was working the fields and they starting finding little critters dead all over. Not a one of them had any kind of mark on ’em at all. Worried it was poison or sick that killed them, the Farmer had his hands gather them all and burn the corpses…

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The Plain at night.

For four days that tunnel cat paced and yowled in sorrow. The old rich fart and his cronies didn’t care a lick,
but ever-one else felt for the beast.

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The Plain at night

Some say they are haunted by that sound; they still hear it on the wind coming after ‘em.

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Kethar Map v0.02
Arrow Blink Concept

A concept drawing of the Arrow Blink but we’re not done with this creature – In coming months, we’ll release the dossier.

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Storms over The Plateau on The Plain.

There are some creatures that have developed
natural defenses against the falling acid.

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The northern edge of The Plateau on The Plain is shown with two border cities.

Folks that choose to be a mercenary on The Plain, and the reasons they choose it, vary from person to person.
Some have debt to pay off. Others may be working to save the money they need to avoid debt in buying land or a business.

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The Plain at night

While this deadly weapon has expressed an incredible advantage over its counterparts, in its success lies its problems. Unlike other weapons, there are less than thirty people on all of Kethar that know how to craft this weapon.

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The Plain at night.

That was the worst part… its eyes. They say if you looked at it, you were hypnotized and just went straight in.

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Often times, because of their gentle nature and relatively low speed, people will train children to ride a dog ox before any other mount. Dog oxen appear to enjoy activities like this with their families, as they exhibit playful behavior mixed with a sense of pride and responsibility.

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An Agdal Berry Buyer's Consultant inspecting and agdal bush.

It tunneled through the ground like a Dirt Trog. It could see in the dark and even better during the day. Some were so fast they were a blur as they ran past, and their howl was deafening.

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Ty & Dawn streaming on March 24th, 2022

The Plain is a work in progress, world building project that Dawn and I have brought the community in to help us create. Crowd forging The Plain during live Twitch streams has been a great deal of fun and we love the effort and enthusiasm that forgers have been putting out there! Where Is This…

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Snapshots of Kethar

The Plain at night.

The Vindication

Vicious pirate hunters or fable?
The Plain at night

Mass Darter

Tiny Flyer Over The Plain