Novella Cover Reveal Tonight

Novella Cover Reveal Tonight

Hi there, Traveler!

It’s Ty from Crypt Monkey wishing you a happy Memorial Day! And hopefully giving you something to do after you finish BBQ and swimming on Monday.

This summer, we’re releasing our first book for the project we call The Plain. It’s a novella called Murder in the Shallow Valley.

A Ketharian Gunslinger looks over the eastern edge Of The Plain

I hope you’ll join us on Twitch to learn more about this new story and tabletop gaming world. We’ll begin Monday evening, May 29th 2023 between 8 and 8:30 pm US Central time.

We’re not only going to reveal the cover design for this book, we’re also going to read some excerpts from this and other stories and answer questions as we can.

See you there!

Thanks, Ty from Crypt Monkey Studios

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