
We Love that you are finally here!

We (Dawn and Ty) are so happy that you are here on our community site with us! We enjoy going to cons so much because we get to hang out with “our people”! “Our people” are gamers and geeks, they are our folk and our extended family, that’s you!

But we can’t be on the road all the time, and we can’t go everywhere. So, we have added this Crypt Monkey Community site so that we can keep up with those of you we have met and meet you new members of the flock that we haven’t yet had the honor!

What is this site?

Well like I said above, it is to have a new place to hang out with you. Specifically, we’ll post stories about what we’re working on. We’ll also find game testers from this site and let you know when and where we’ll be so you can visit us at conventions. Not to mention, this is a great place to learn when we are streaming for miniature painting, Gamers in the Unknown, Geekin’ and Relaxin’, and Gamers in the Apocalypse.

  • Crypt Monkey Hang Out!
  • Game development/game room bling posts
  • We’ll ask for game testers here
  • Geeky “How To” posts
  • Find out about our upcoming events
  • Learn about our different streaming shows and know when we’re streaming!